Course Syllabus

ENGL 220 Valencia-Escobar Syllabus updated 040621-1.pdf  

ENGL 220: Introduction to Literature- Love and Literature

Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00-12:15 PM
ZOOM Class Meeting ID: 933 4869 6166
    Password: 107426

Instructor: Alma Valencia-Escobar
Student Office Hours: Tuesdays 9:30 AM- 10:45 AM and by appointment ZOOM Office Hours Meeting ID: 961 7644 0858

“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight. 
For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”
--Romeo and Juliet  (1.5.50-51)

A bit about this course

You have probably taken English and have been introduced to literature. But what is literature? What is the relationship or prevalence of “love” and literature?  This course will focus on an introduction to Literature and Love including ‘canon’ authors like Jane Austen, Emily Brontë, Mary Shelley, William Wordsworth, William Shakespeare, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, as well as popular romance authors including Stephanie Meyer, Adichie, and Emecheta. The course will provide an introduction to visions, versions, and dimensions of love in classical novels, poetry, plays, its revisions and adaptations, and the infallible sustainability of love as we know it. 

Course Design

This course will consist of lecture twice a week. There will be mandatory conferencing appointments with the Instructor for discussion of each paper. 


All assigned readings will be found as pdf files in Canvas.  

Additional supplies/expenses you will need

Access to a computer. All submissions will need to be typed.  

What you will learn with this course (Student Learning Outcomes)

•    Develop an easiness for college-level composition and analysis of the course text.
Learning Outcome: to implement and write an essay to articulate awareness of the multiplicity of “love” definitions in literature. 
(SLO: to apply the composition of a knowledgeable stand in written essay format).
•    Develop a personal voice in writing.
Learning Outcome: to generate a unique, personal interpretation of the studied texts as demonstrated by the student’s participation and papers. 
(SLO: to create solid idea of one’s true voice in college writing including the following essay formats: creative, narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive). 
•    Recall the assigned textbook readings
Learning Outcome: to recall the information read in the required texts.
(SLO: to remember the information read assigned pdf texts as homework and pass the “pop-quizzes” based on the lecture reading. 

How I will grade you

Your grade in this course will be based on how well you demonstrate a genuine effort to improve your writing skills. This “effort” will be evaluated by myself in the following ways:
        15%    Participation  
          10%    Attendance, Classroom Etiquette, Written Reflections  
        20%    Pop Quizzes (There will be a total of 5 quizzes)
        30%    Papers  (Two papers, each 15%)
        25%    Final Paper 
Although the basic requirements and evaluation criteria are explained above, I will share additional details as the semester progresses. If you have any questions before then, please feel free to contact me.  
A: 95 – 100 B+: 86 – 89 A-: 90 – 94 
B+: 86 – 89  B: 83 – 85 B-: 80 – 82 
C+: 76 – 79 C: 73 – 75 C-: 70 – 72


Participation will include participating in our discussions of the reading, providing mindful feedback to others commentary and insightful statements that demonstrate knowledge about the required readings.  Participation is essential to demonstrate your understanding of the assigned readings.  

Attendance and Class Etiquette

Attendance is essential for mastery of the writing process throughout the semester. You are allowed two unexcused absences without penalty of failing the course. If absent, however, you are responsible for emailing me and asking me to allow you to complete the work for that day.  Further absences from the allotted days will result in immediate withdrawal from the course. 
You are to be respectful of all other classmates’ opinions and thoughts regardless of your personal opinions of your own writing competence. We are all here to support each other and help others become better writers. I will not tolerate any discrimination.  Discrimination will result in immediate withdrawal from the course. 

Pop Quizzes

Pop quizzes will be given in the first 15 minutes of the lecture unannounced. The material will be based on the readings for that lecture day.  This is to commit attentive reading of the required readings for each lecture.  There will be a total of 5 pop quizzes throughout the semester. There will be no make-up quizzes if student arrives late to class on the day of the quiz. 


There will be two papers throughout the semester.  These papers will be writing assignments you will complete and submit to Turnitin on Canvas by the due date. 

Final Paper

The prompt will be given the week prior to finals week.  You must submit to Turnitin via Canvas by 3pm on the day due. 

Policies on disabilities 

If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact the Student Ability Success Center at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact SASC as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. 
To learn more, visit: .aspx 
Plagiarism includes: copying the ideas or writings of someone else and claiming it as your own work, collaborating with someone else on an assignment, and/or resubmitting work that you have done for another class. DON’T DO IT. Anyone caught plagiarizing will not only fail that assignment, but is likely to fail the class and will also face disciplinary action in accordance with the San Diego State University policy. You are responsible for reviewing SDSU’s policy on academic dishonesty at 
Late Policy 
No assignments will be accepted after their due dates and times. No exceptions. Unless otherwise stated, always turn in hard copies of your assignments on their due dates, at the beginning of class. No assignments will be accepted via email. 


 There are many events and situations that put additional stress on being a student.  SDSU has an excellent center for Counseling & Psychological Services that is open to students Monday through Friday from 8am-4:30pm. To set up an initial consultation, call (619) 594-5220. For immediate or emergency help, you are welcome to use San Diego’s free 24-hour counseling access line at (800) 479-3339.  C&PS on campus also has a “Center for Well-Being” with multiple stations for relaxation if you are feeling stressed during the semester.  C&PS is located in the Capulli Center, Room 4401.
 Student-athletes have demanding, dynamic schedules. As an instructor, I am committed to helping you succeed in the course. To do so, regular and effective communication is needed. While exceptions will not be made for attendance, assignment deadlines, or exams, I’m happy to work with all student-athletes in conjunction with Student-Athlete Support Services (SASS) to help you excel in this course. For more information on SASS’ academic advising and tutoring services, please call (619) 594-4743.


Tentative Schedule (included in attachment). 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due