COMPE696-01:Artificial Intelligence for Unmanned Systems
COMPE696: AI for Unmanned Systems [Spring 2025]
Instructor |
Dr. Junfei Xie |
Zoom link | (This link serves as a hub for office hours, lecture recordings, and various other course-related activities.) |
Office Hours |
Tuesdays: 8:40am - 9:20am & 11:00am - 11:30am Thursdays: 8:40am - 9:20am (in-person, online or by appointment) |
Office Location |
SDSU Engineering Building E-403B |
Contact Info. |
Email: |
Prerequisites |
COMPE510 |
TA Info |
Haomeng Zhang (Email: |
TA's Office Hours |
By appointment
*For any questions related to programming assignments, contact the TA first. For other questions, contact the instructor.
**A brief version of the syllabus can be downloaded here.
Course Description:
In recent years, there has been a notable trend towards integrating unmanned systems (US) into the fabric of future smart cities. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role in enabling US to execute a diverse array of tasks with enhanced efficiency, precision, and autonomy. Through AI algorithms, US can autonomously control movement, process data from sensors, and make informed decisions based on collected information.
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to US and the application of AI in this domain. Key topics covered include fundamentals of AI, deep learning, US navigation and control, sensing and estimation techniques, mission and path planning, US communication and computing, autonomy, AI applications to US, especially unmanned aerial systems, and more. Students will engage in practical exercises to implement various techniques and develop US applications using AI methodologies.
Course Learning Objectives:
Following this course, students will be able to:
- Compare the common types and applications of US.
- Explain basic AI concepts and techniques.
- Compare the various types of sensors typically used in US and choose suitable sensor fusion methods.
- Explain the common methods used for planning the path for US.
- Produce programs to model, simulate, and control US.
- Design and implement AI-based unmanned system applications, as well as analyze and present the results.
- Quan, Quan. Introduction to multicopter design and control. Singapore: Springer, 2017. [Quan]
- Goodfellow, Ian, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville. Deep learning. MIT press, 2016. [Goodfellow]
- Beard, Randal W., and Timothy W. McLain. Small unmanned aircraft: Theory and practice. Princeton University Press, 2012 [Beard].
- Sutton, Richard S., and Andrew G. Barto. Reinforcement learning: An introduction. MIT press, 2018. [Sutton]
- LaValle, Steven M. Planning algorithms. Cambridge university press, 2006. [LaValle]
- Choset, H., Lynch, K. M., Hutchinson, S., Kantor, G. A., & Burgard, W. Principles of robot motion: theory, algorithms, and implementations. MIT press, 2005. [Choset]
- Russell, Stuart J., and Peter Norvig. Artificial intelligence: a modern approach. London, 2010. [Russell]
Grade Scale:
Grade Distribution and General Comments:
- 2 exams: 16% + 16% = 32%
- Participation in in-class discussion: 5%
- Programming Assignments: 8% + 8% + 8% = 24%
- Research Paper Presentation: 5%
- Term Project: 34%
- Proposal presentation: 3%
- Mid-term presentation: 5%
- Final presentation: 8%
- Final report: 18%
- Teaser video (optional): up to 3% as a bonus
- CPS-IoT Week Competition (optional): up to 3% as a bonus
*Grades for this course may be curved, taking into account overall class performance.
There will be two short exams during the semester. There will be no make-up exams, so please plan accordingly.
Participation in in-class discussion:
Students are required to attend every class in person and participate in in-class discussions.
Programming Assignments:
There will also be 3 individual programming assignments based on Python, which must successfully compile and properly execute on your own PC/MAC/Workstation/Laptop. I might selectively ask a few students to demonstrate their program.
I will not accept late assignments so please make sure you turn in your assignments on time. Soft copies of the assignments should be turned in through Canvas.
Research Paper Presentation:
Each student will individually develop and deliver a presentation on an assigned research paper. Through a signup sheet, you will select a research paper that interests you and choose a presentation date. Slots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Term Projects:
Students will form teams of up to three members to collaboratively work on a term project. Each team will deliver three presentations: a project proposal, a mid-term progress update, and a final presentation. Additionally, a comprehensive final report summarizing the project outcomes is required. To enhance the presentation of key results, creating a teaser video is highly encouraged. Teams that submit a teaser video will earn a bonus of up to 3% of the total grade.
Students are also highly encouraged to participate in the 4th CPS-IoT Week Student Design Competition on Networked Computing on the Edge. Teams participating in the competition will earn a bonus of up to 3% of the total grade.
Late Assignment Policy:
Assignments are considered late if they are submitted after the due date and time. Late assignments are NOT acceptable.
General Comments:
** NOTE: Some of the documents (handouts, slides, or assignment instructions) may have accessibility issues. If you encounter such issues, please contact me by email.
Tentative Lecture Schedule for January
1/21 |
T |
Explore syllabus |
1/23 |
Th |
Introduction, Machine Learning Overview |
Read [Russell, Chapter 1] |
1/28 |
T |
Machine Learning Overview, Deep Neural Networks |
Presentation Topic & Date due |
1/30 |
Th |
Deep Neural Networks |
Read [Goodfellow, Chapters 6-7] |
Tentative Lecture Schedule for February
2/4 |
T |
Deep Neural Networks |
Last day to drop class (2/3)! |
2/6 |
Th |
Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks |
2/11 |
T |
Convolutional Neural Networks |
Read [Goodfellow, Chapter 9] |
Presenter: Dhruv Donga Title: "VL-MFL: UAV Visual Localization Based on Multisource Image Feature Learning" |
2/13 |
Th |
Convolutional Neural Networks, Reinforcement Learning |
Presenter: Nilesh Singh Title: "Intrusion Detection for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Security: A Tiny Machine Learning Model" |
2/18 |
T |
Reinforcement Learning |
Read [Sutton, Chapters 3,4,6] |
Presenter: Jacob Anderson |
2/20 |
Th |
UAV Overview |
Presenter: Jiya Rathi Programming Assignment 1 due |
2/25 |
T |
Quadrotor Dynamics |
Read [Quan, Chapters 5&6] |
Presenter: Abraham Carranza Title: "Learning Target-Aware Vision Transformers for Real-Time UAV Tracking" |
2/27 |
Th |
Quadrotor Dynamics |
Presenter: Cagla Ipek Kocal Title: "A Deep-Learning Method Based on the Multistage Fusion of Radar and Camera in UAV Obstacle Avoidance" |
Tentative Lecture Schedule for March
3/4 |
T |
Term Project Proposal Presentation (Team 1-7) |
Presenter: Parshav Pagaria Title: "AoI-Aware Energy-Efficient SFC in UAV-Aided Smart Agriculture Using Asynchronous Federated Learning" |
3/6 |
Th |
Term Project Proposal Presentation (Team 8-9) Quadrotor Dynamics |
Presenter: Ushasri Badinidi Title: "Transformer-Based Reinforcement Learning for Scalable Multi-UAV Area Coverage"' CPS-IoT Competition Registration due (3/9)! |
3/11 |
T |
Exam 1 |
3/13 |
Th |
Flight Control |
Read [Quan, Chapter 11] |
Presenter: Arkajit Dutta |
3/18 |
T |
Flight Control |
Presenter: Omar Ahmed Title: "UAV-Assisted Covert Federated Learning Over mmWave Massive MIMO" |
3/20 |
Th |
Flight Control |
Presenter: Larry Garcia Title: "Dense Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Aided Multi-UAV Information Coverage for Vehicular Networks" |
3/25 |
T |
Sensing and Estimation |
Presenter: Eric Rosas |
3/27 |
Th |
Sensing and Estimation |
Presenter: Rosa Miranda Programming Assignment 2 due |
Tentative Lecture Schedule for April
4/1 |
T |
Spring Recess. No class! |
4/3 |
Th |
Spring Recess. No class! |
4/8 |
T |
Term Project Mid-term Presentation (Teams 9-5) |
Presenter: Dhruv Shah Title: "Federated Learning-Based Task Offloading in a UAV-Aided Cloud Computing Mobile Network" |
4/10 |
Th |
Term Project Mid-term Presentation (Teams 4-1) Sensing and Estimation |
Presenter: Oluchi Nzerem Title: "Bias-Compensation Augmentation Learning for Semantic Segmentation in UAV Networks" |
4/15 |
T |
Sensing and Estimation |
Presenter: Phu Tran Title: "Cooperative Tracking of Quadrotor UAVs Using Parallel Optimal Learning Control" |
4/17 |
Th |
Path Planning |
Presenter: Ty Runner Title: "Deep Reinforcement Learning for Energy-Efficient Data Dissemination Through UAV Networks" |
4/22 |
T |
Path Planning |
Presenter: Disha Santosh Sawant |
4/24 |
Th |
Path Planning |
Presenter: Nihal Azeez Title: "Game of Drones: Intelligent Online Decision Making of Multi-UAV Confrontation" CPS-IoT Competition Final Product due (4/27)! |
4/29 |
T |
Advanced topics on UAV |
Tentative Lecture Schedule for May
5/1 |
Th |
Term Project Final Presentation |
Programming Assignment 3 due |
5/6 |
T |
Term Project Final Presentation |
5/8 |
Th |
Exam 2 |
Term project final report due |
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Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |