AP, IB, CLEP Exams & College Credits


Depending on the scores received, credits toward the bachelor's degree can be earned by examination (AP, CLEP or IB). In the SDSU Online Catalog under University Policies, the Academic Credit Through Examination Links to an external site. section provides tables with the number of units and SDSU courses that students will receive credit, based on their score for each type of exam.


Which AP Exams and Scores Meet First-Year Requirements?

This page Links to an external site. lists which exams and scores can meet Prep for the Major, Written Communication, American Institutions, and GE Foundations Humanities/Language requirement component.


How Do I Check if AP Credits Appear on My Degree Evaluation?

If you have already asked for your scores to be sent to SDSU, check your Degree Evaluation (through my.SDSU Links to an external site.) to see if they have been received. Look under the Academic Coursework section near the bottom of the degree evaluation. If all are there, great. If not, read on:


What if AP Scores/Credits Do Not Appear on My Degree Evaluation?

Information on when AP scores are sent to schools from College Board Links to an external site. (for free before deadline or for a fee, whether standard or rush processing) as  well as an inactive period between late June and mid-July when orders can be placed but scores are not sent until the period ends (i.e., after mid-July).

Note that the College Board AP reporting system will indicate when scores were sent, but it cannot track when they are received by a school. As long as their system indicates that scores were sent, it is best to wait for them to show up on your degree evaluation—which may not be until the beginning of Fall term. If you need the AP credit to clear a prerequisite—e.g., AP PSY score of 3+ for PSY 101 prerequisite for PSY 230, see the section below regarding registration glitches.

If you are concerned that your scores were not sent by College board or IB, you should contact the company directly. Advanced Placement (AP) Links to an external site. and CLEP Links to an external site. Exam Scores are handled through College Board whereas International Baccalaureate Links to an external site. information can be found on ibo.org.


Registration Glitch for PSY Classes Due to AP or Transfer Credit

Even if the degree evaluation reflects college credit for an AP score, there are sometimes glitches in my.SDSU when trying to register for a class for which AP, CLEP, or IB exam scores are used to satisfy a prerequisite. If this occurs, either email or make an appointment with the advising office for the appropriate department (i.e., the department offering the class for which registration was blocked) to ask if there is a workaround.

For example, if you passed the AP PSY exam with a score of 3 or higher, it will meet the PSY 101 prerequisite for PSY 230, but the registration system will not recognize it automatically. You should contact the Psychology Advising Office for help (psychology.advising.sdsu@sdsu.edu).

Note that if your scores have not yet been received or processed, most departments will require that you wait until the AP scores appear to see if they cause a registration issue before intervening.