M1.7 Module 1 Quiz

  • Due Oct 18, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 7
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes



This multiple-choice and short-answer quiz covers material from pages M1.1 through M1.6. The time limit for the quiz is 120 minutes. The quiz must be completed by the listed deadline. 

  • This is an independent quiz; do not work with others.
  • You may use class materials (including the textbook) during the quiz.
  • You will be required to write and execute SAS programs as part of this quiz

A couple of reminders before you start:

Please keep in mind that all of the paths in the Module 1 SAS code are directed towards the folders on my SAS Studio. You will need to update these paths to direct SAS to find the data files on your SAS Studio. The easiest way to do this is to right click on the data file in your 'files and folders' menu, click properties, then copy and paste the path directly into your SAS code. 


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